Find your mountain,
don't look down and climb to the top.

Our first mountain is all about learning. We recognise everyone has varying starting points of their journey. At LCP we aim to deliver to all and encompass all on their journey of learning through physical education. We seek to embed the foundations for everyone to engage with lifelong physical activity whilst upskilling primary school teachers to confidently deliver physical education. Learn.
Our company is unique with its direct engagement with academic work and using this knowledge to create an innovative curriculum template that can be tailored to each schools requirements. Moreover, schemes of work have been developed around all the domains of Physical Education using models-based practise. Learn.Create.Perform is continuously growing and connecting to create affective schemes of work that will help schools deliver high-quality PE lessons. Create.
A missing piece of Physical Education is assessment and assessment that informs pedagogy. Using research conducted by Dawn Penney who states that assessment methods must be authentic, LCP Sports again considers schools individual needs and works alongside schools to develop assessment criteria’s and methods accordingly in order for the subject to be delivered to its potential. Perform.

Our bespoke packages are tailored made to fit individual school profiles so that children from all backgrounds flourish from the high-quality curriculum, pedagogy and assessment framework LCP Sports implements and delivers into primary schools.
We pride ourselves on our academic and research backgrounds alongside our experience within education and Physical Education. Importantly to us, we believe the only way to change PE is to change the current traditional methods seen within primary schools and use well research approaches.
Our name and logo reflects our journey of building and creating LCP Sports and is reflected in our work with Primary Schools. Each word of ‘Learn.Create.Perform’ s connected to each other to enable us to deliver the best bespoke packages to schools.
▲ Learn – Our engagement with research and academia relevant to primary Physical Education.
▲ Create – Our development of our consultancy packages we create from our research and academic engagament.
▲ Perform – Our ability to offer the best bespoke consultancy packages from our continuous learning and reflection of our packages content.
To ensure schools deliver well-researched, high-quality Physical Education to fit their school profile and pupil needs.
▲ To ensure that the package we implement into each schools is bespoke and is reflective of their profile and needs.
▲ To ensure high standards of professionalism are maintained at all times.
▲ To ensure that all children are afforded equal opportunity to participate and understand the importance of Physical Education.